Friday 23 October 2015

Shooting Schedule

Here's my shooting schedule:

From this I can see what I need for each day I'm shooting. I will also give a copy to everyone involved in the music video.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Risk Assessment

Here is my risk assessment. I have done this to ensure that no one working for me gets hurt. If they do get hurt, I have measures in place to make sure that they get help if they need it.

Shot List

Props and Costume List

Here's my prop and costume list. I will have this with me when I shoot my music video so that I know I'm not forgetting anything important. I will also give a copy to everyone involved in the video so that they get an idea of what is needed.

Friday 2 October 2015


Here is my animatic. I have made this to see what the storyboard will look like with music. I now have an idea of where I want to cut shots and how long I want the cuts to be.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Audience Research: Questionnaire

I asked 25 people to fill in a questionnaire that I had created.

Here is an example of a questionnaire that a participant filled out:

Here are the results:

From these results I can see that slightly more people don't like listening to electronic music than people who do. Not many people have heard of Anamanaguchi and no one has been to one their concerts. The most popular way of listening to music is YouTube, followed by Spotify and mobile phones. The people who attend electronic music concerts are most commonly aged 15-25.

Location Photos

Here are some photos I have taken for the location of my music video. I am going to be using a 400 year old house to make the setting look authentic and am going to be filming down hallways, bedrooms and bathrooms. The house is quite dark so soft boxes will be required. There are some big plain walls that would be good for scenes where the main focus is the singer and there are plenty of old doors that can be used for the character to walk through to use for transitioning to other scenes. 


Here is my storyboard. I have made this so that I know what shots I want and so that I can refer to this when editing. I can also use this to show my actress so that she knows what to do for each shot.